
Welcome to Blooming Mama 101

Helping young mothers who have been through traumatizing events, overcome these horrific events with a new and unique way + strategy to cope, heal, and feel like themself again.

When I was pregnant, I came across many Mommy blogs. Every blog I came across was great and informative however I felt as though I couldn’t relate personally. Everything seemed so “picture perfect”, a lifestyle that I was never accustomed to. This is when the spark for Blooming Mama 101 came about.

Before continuing please keep in mind we believe that all Mommy blogs are great and we support all of the informative Mommy blogs that are out there giving tips, tricks, and information for young mothers and mothers to be.

Being a mother at any age is hard. Being a young mother is even harder. Now imagine how hard it is for a young mother who has also been a victim to trauma, abuse, neglect, & with the overall development of severe untreated mental health issues. You couldn’t even imagine, you wouldn’t be able to relate, you just can’t.

-Neci Kalisz

Blooming Mama 101 is a safe haven for young mothers who need the extra support and guidance but are reluctant to seek support and guidance from outside sources.

A place where young mothers and mothers to be can escape to when feeling alone, hurt, and all over the place.

A stepping stone to building trust and providing resources to those who are ready to seek outside services.

Here at Blooming Mama 101 I’ve created a new way of coping, healing, and building inner confidence with combining Aromatherapy techniques with reading.

Blooming Mama 101 has a holistic approach, promoting ways to find your inner zen, meditation, yoga, aromatherapy, reading and more.

How Blooming Mama 101 works :

Blooming Mama 101 is a blog for young mothers who have experienced trauma, abuse, neglect, and more. The blog was created with the intent to bring to life a mommy blog that young mothers who’ve experienced such horrific life events, can relate to on a personal level.

Blooming Mama 101 has both E-Books and Short Stories. Readers are encouraged to practice Aromatherapy techniques while reading these stories. The stories are relatable, meaning that you may re-live past trauma while reading. This is where the aromatherapy comes in handy. While practicing the aromatherapy, you will be able to re-live and read with a clearer and more peaceful mindset.

Think of it this way,

When you go to an in person therapy session, the therapist’s goal is to get you to open the door to past trauma and talk about it, so you can not only get it off your chest but also to feel these emotions again in a safe environment, as feeling these emotions rather than masking these emotions is the first step towards healing.

With Blooming Mama 101 you have the opportunity to experience the first step towards healing but rather than speaking directly with someone, you will be reading, and the aromatherapy that goes hand in hand with the readings gives you the ability to re-live with the mixture of aroma’s mood altering scents. Each main character gives tips and advice on how they overcame their situation bringing light to the end of the tunnel.

We understand everyone’s experience will be different. Please note that when you are practicing Blooming Mama 101’s new and unique way of coping that you are practicing at your own risk. The tools, guidance, resources, and stories are intended to help you remain strong, build confidence, and promote self-healing and inner peace.

We encourage our readers to also practice aromatherapy when reading our blog as well!

As of 8/6/21 Blooming Mama 101 will have only its blog and short stories. Everything else is expected to launch in the near future 🙂